Do you have a habit of looking at the mirror often? So This Is For You

Do you have a habit of looking at the mirror often? Then the risk of this disease is confirmed Generally, both men and women want to look good. People who don't want to beautify themselves are not in love with themselves. But some people, even after they are fully groomed and ready, often stand in front of the mirror and adjust their clothes and their make-up over and over again. Others often stand in front of a mirror and adjust their different postures. Doctors warn that frequent looking at yourself in the mirror is a sign of illness. Is frequent mirroring a disease? If you have the habit of spending long hours in front of the mirror, this is definitely a sign of illness. In fact, repeated looking in the mirror is considered a disease. In scientific language, this disease is referred to as 'Body Dysmorphic Disorder'. According to doctors, the symptoms of this disease appear more in people suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. People who are af...